
Sonja Anna-Lisa Larsdotter Petersson

Freelance performance and visual artist based in Göteborg, Sweden.


Visual Art

Since several years I am working with drawing. I have done so over periods last couple of 30 years. My work includes digital tools alongside pen, chalk and knife. I exhibited in Göteborg, Gislaved, Stockholm, Örebro, Mölnlycke etc. and have exhibition coming up. Next to drawing i frequently also work with photo, video, sound, sculpture and installation.

Performance Art

My field is Performance Improvisation, here in regular basis, I show solo performance and duet performance in collaboration with musicians and sound-artists. I take part in group-performance and teach performance improvisation skills.

Between 2004-2021 I have been running VARIA Improvisation Festival in Göteborg and the region of Västra Götaland along-side other projects that all is closely related to the Art of Improvisation.

In selection below

More specific notes about my work, including diverse links leading to documentation, video, photo, press etc.


After studying visual art - Sculpture, Photography and Drawing alongside Philosophy in Sweden, Petersson went on to study the art of performance via dance and movement including Instant composition, Contact improvisation, Authentic movement, Voice-work and pedagogies in Sweden and Europe.

Petersson now exhibit visual-art in solo and in group-exhibitions on a regular basis. Examples of material used are drawings and prints, sculpture and installation, video and sound, text and words.

Since many years Petersson has initiated, produced and participated in several larger gatherings, events and projects of international and national artists (dance, music, theatre, light, film, performance etc.) who also wish to blend their disciplines by way of improvisation in live performance.

Using improvisation as an essential tool, she now combines all of these disciplines when creating her unique installations and performances of dance and movement-art. As well as presenting multi-disciplinary works in galleries, museums, theatres and site-specific locations.

Petersson has co-collaborated with among else choreographer, dancer Michael Schumacher (USA/NL), performance-artist Andrew Morrish (AU/FRA), visual artist Ola Åstrand (S), drummer Henrik Wartel, musician Peter Janson and several other well recognized artists.

Petersson received extended local, national and Nordic funding for several of her projects as-well as scholarship.


Kursverksamhetens Konstskola 1983 (S)

Hovedskous Målarskola 1984-87 (S)

School for New Dance Development 1993 (NL)

Studio Cascade 1993-94 (NL)

A variety of courses 1993- (abroad & in Sweden):

Visual arts - Stone-carving, photo, layout.

Performance art, dance, voice - Instant composition, diverse modern techniques.

Other fields - Pedagogy, philosophy.

CURRICULUM VITAE 1988-2024 (for other previous work contact the artist)


Solo exhibition 1988 - 2024

Galleri Kannike, Stavanger Norge -88.

Galleri Sting, Stavanger Norge -89.

Angereds Kulturhus, Göteborg -93.

Frölunda Kulturhus, Göteborg -95.

Lilla Galleriet KKV- B, Skärholmen/Gerlesborg -01.

Galleri PS, Göteborg -02.

Bohusgalleriet, Uddevalla -03.

Galleri Konstepidemin/Bergrummet, Göteborg -04.

Galleri Koch, Stenungsund –06.

LANDART, Skärholmen Hamburgsund -08.

Galleri PS, Göteborg -09.

Kulturhuset Borgen, Gislaved -09.

Shoot Dance for Screen/Bio Roy, Göteborg -10.

Teater Aktör, Göteborg -10.

Ponderosa, Stoltzenhagen Germany -11.

Galleri Konstepidemin/Pannrummet, Göteborg -12.

Galleri Koch, Stenungsund -13.

PID gallery for moving art and sound -15.

Atalante, Göteborg -15 & -16.

Nationalgalleriet, Stockholm -16.

Galleri PS, Göteborg -17.

Tillt, Göteborg -17.

Not Qiute, Oceanhallen plan 3, Fengersfors -19

Galleri 54, Peep Show, Göteborg -19.

Animalis Fabula, video-documentation, Göteborg 2020-21.

Animalis Fabula, planksidan, Göteborg 2020-21.

OPEN ART Örebro -22.

Nemeshallen, Mölnlycke Kulturhus, co-exhibitor Lillemor Petersson, opening/press -23.

Spot-Light Galleri 54 - 23.

Group exhibition 1986 - 2024

Skövde Konsthall, Konstmagasinet Norra Bohuslän, Maneten GBG, Bohusläns Museum Uddevalla, Konstsilon Fjällbacka, Luleå Konsthall, Kemijärvi Konsthall Finland, Galleri Nordhem GBG, Gerlesborgsskolans Galleri och Konsthall, Tanumsstrandshallen Tanumshede, Konsthall Lokstallet Strömstad, Stadsbiblioteket GBG, Galleri Dunér GBG, Bovall Gallery Bovallstrand, Stensalen Konstnärernas kollektivverkstad Bohuslän, Galleri Thomassen GBG, Cecil Street Melbourne Australien, Galleri 54 GBG, Dansfilmsfestival Ringön GBG, Open Art Örebro, Folk och Kultur Lokomotivet Eskilstuna etc.

Exhibition Review´s


Solo & duet performance including the project VIDARE 2010-24

Performing solos and duet performance in collaboration with musicians.

Visited stages, sight specific rooms, festivals at for example Patinaverket, Cinnober Teater, Musikens Hus, 3:e Våningen, Atalante, Teater Uno, Konstepidemin, Vulcano, Galleri PS, Bunkern, Höstimprovisationer 2022 Guldheden "Världens Tak", Oceanen in Göteborg, Fylkingen in Stockholm, Galleri 2 Twisted Shout #2 in Uppsala, Konstkollektivet in Mölndal, Studio Myriam Doodge in Paris, Ufer studio in Berlin, Högsbo Kyrka in Göteborg etc.

VIDARE offer several duet performances in regional stage-rooms during 2024, with support from among else Västra Götalandsregionen.

VARIA2006-2024 Improvisation Festival

Initiated VARIA -04, and still participate in, along-side arrange, curate and produce the festival as exclusive international and Nordic Performance Improvisation event next to cross-cultural “meeting-point” for artists within dance, theatre, performance, music, sound, video, light etc. VARIA has been realized since -06 in Göteborg and in the West coast region of Sweden. The project-parts include a great mix of performance, seminars, lectures, workshops, classes etc. Numerous of international and local performers and artists alongside researchers has participated over the years.

Find VARIA2006-2021 info and video, photo, text documentation at VARIA website.

Since -11, Jannine Rivel works for VARIA as co-producer.

Spring 2025, a splendid festival will be a fact at Atalante Theatre, Göteborg, if there are funding for VARIA.

VARIA press






Two Now 2021-24

Performance Improvisation solo project together with Aloun Marchal.

Solo performance visiting Kronhuset in Göteborg 2021 and site specific 2022.

Production of solo and duet work continuing into 2023 and 2024.

Two Now -21 received financial support from Kulturrådet and Göteborgs Stad Kultur.

10-21 WING IT 2020-2021

Performance Improvisation project together with Benedikte Esperi. Solo and duet performance visiting diverse public space in Göteborg and the region of Västra Götaland. 10-21 WINGT IT was presented during second half of 2021. The project received financial support from among else Göteborgs Stad Kultur, Västra Götalandsregionen, Ulricehamn, Tranemo and Vänersborg Kommun.

Solo performances in "white box" format 2015-2019

Me and Maria Mebius-Schröder worked for several years with Performance Improvisation in practice and in performance.

During 2015-17 we presented several performance evenings in "gallery format".

2018 we received project-grant for "Solo 2018 - Performance Improvisation" from Göteborgs Stad and arranged 24 performances in diverse locations during the full year.

During 2019 we keept om and arranged several solo-occasions.

Film and sound project 2006-2017

Me and Christina Hallström film and visual artist (NL) has been co-collaborating over the years when opportunity arise.

We have a mutual interest in moving images, room, sound and cross-cultural work. Some of this work is Noctiluca Miliaris, Hoppet and VARIA Lab.

FEMxTVÅ= Performance Improvisation 2013

A collaboration between me and among else Biggi Vinkeloe, to make Performance Improvisation more visible at stage.

Several artists and their guests presented over two periods, solo and duet-performance at two well-known Göteborg-stages - 24 Kvadrat and 3:e Våningen.

När-Varande 2011, 2012

A performance project I created for outdoor locations in Göteborg city. Four different pieces with the duration of ca 20-30 min, where produced "Blue Balance", "If I was a circle", "In-Between" and "For wolf in time". The specific place/outdoor scenario for each different performance-setting inspired to concept incl. chorography. Further various costumes and props was shaped for the six movement artists and amateurs that participated. The performance series took place over a period of two weeks in Göteborg and each piece was shown several times in much different locations with more or less "city-intensity".

In 2012, "Blå Balans" was invited to open The International "Day of Dance" at Vara Konserhus. The piece was extended and reworked from its original 25 minutes to a, ca 1-hour performance. "Blå Balans" was shown in the main-hall, entrance and surroundings of the concert hall - Like an on-going site-specific event of movement, balance and presence. 

VARIA Grows Nordic 2010

VARIA Grows Nordic was initiated by me and aiming for new Nordic network. Performers and artists such as Lisa Dillan, Eric McKenzie and Giorgio Convertito from the Nordic countries was invited, combined with planning and showing of performance project at the venue Aktör & Vänner. Special guest was Andrew Morrish from Australia. VGN was realized during Göteborg Dance and Theatre Festival.


A residence and International performance and installation project, at the venue Aktör & Vänner in Göteborg. BG went on for several days with installations, interactive performance and stage-performance in different constellations. A collaboration between me and VARIA, the venue, Johan Rödström, Michael Schumacher, Joel Brindefalk and the Gothenburg Opera Ballet.

DAMPcrew 2005 – 2008

A "Live art group" consisting of four artists - Me and Lo Caidahl, Isak Eldh and Olå Åstrand and our media - video, dance, music, sound, light, image etc. DAMPcrew also invited guests such as Kennet Klemets, Andre Califf and Michael Schumacher (poets, visual/music/dance artists) and toured together with multi-media performances in the western region of Sweden. Performances was presented at several Art-hall´s and Museums of Art ex: Strömstads Stadshus, Skövde Konstall, Steneby Konsthall, Bohusläns Museum Uddevalla, Bengstfors Konsthall, Vänersborgs Konsthall and other site specific locations as well as at Dansbyrån in Göteborg.

Skogspunk 2000-2008

Numerous of performances in Sweden and abroad where a mix of movement and visual art was presented at stage and at site specific location. Over a period of ca 10 years Skogspunk visited among else Atalante Göteborg, Moderna Dansteatern Stockholm, Ponderosa Festival Germany, Stenungsunds Kulturhus, Hamburgsunds Folketshus, Gustav Adolfstorg Göteborg, Konstepidemin Göteborg, Stadsteatern Göteborg, Konsthall Lokstallet Strömstad etc. Skogspunk was a collaboration between me and Anna Westberg.

Dansbandet 2002-2004

Improvisation and choreography, conversation and guests. In collaboration with Minna Elif Wendin and with Atalante, Göteborg.

Domino & Padash 1999-2005

Dance and music improvisation group initiated by me and in collaboration with among else Henrik Wartel, Karin Johansson, Anna Westberg & invited guest. Starting out as DOMINO -99, than moving on with the new name Padash, the group performed in many places in Göteborg and other Swedish locations such as museums, stages and site specific locations.

Stage Review

Stage Review


Group performance with Michael Schumacher and Henrik Wartel etc. Lagerträdshuset, Göteborg -04.

Duett performance with Theresia Björk, Atalante, Göteborg -04.

Group performances (2), with Michael Schumacher, Per Petersson, Mary Oliver etc. Röda Sten, Göteborg -05.

Group performance with Michael Schumacher, Biggi Vinkeloe etc. Konsthall Lokstallet, Strömstad -05.

Group performance with Minna Elif Wendin etc. Kalv Musik Festival, Kalv -06.

Solo performance, Pustervik Theatre, Göteborg -07.

Duet performances (2), with Anna Westberg, Hamburgsunds Folkets Hus, Hamburgsund -07.

Duett performance with Anna Westberg, Kulturhuset Fregatten, Stenungsund -07.

Group performance, Rhöska Museum, Göteborg -08.

Group performance with Anna Westberg and Henrik Wartel at Bottna Kulturfestival, Skärholmen -08.

Duett performance with Anna Westberg, Tanz Land Festival Stolzenhagen, Germany -08.

Duet performance with Henrik Wartel, Kulturkalaset, Göteborg -09.

Solo performances (3), Galleri PS, Göteborg -09.

Duet performance with Henrik Wartel, Teater Aktör, Göteborg -09.

Solo performances (2), Göteborgs Konstbiennal/Konstepidemin, Göteborg -09.

Solo performances (2), Aquarius, Paris France -10.

Group performance with Giorgio Convertito, Lisa Dillan etc. Teater Aktör, Göteborg -10.

Solo performances (2), Konstepidemin, Göteborg -10.

Solo performance, Atalante, Göteborg -10.

Duett performance with Niklas Pohlman, Atalante, Göteborg -10.

Solo performance, Café Marco Zero, Göteborg -11.

Solo performance, Masthuggets Hus, Göteborg -11.

Trio performance with Vialka, Marylise Frecheville and Erik Boros, Atalante göteborg -11.

Solo & group performance with Andrew Morrish, Lilly Kiara, FreiStil, Berlin Germany -12.

Solo performances (2), Konstepidemin, Göteborg -12.

Solo performances (2), Danscentrum Väst Göteborg -12.

Solo performance, Nordingrå Kulturfestival, Järnsta -12.

Solo performance, Kulturkalaset Göteborg -12.

Solo performances (2), Galleri Pannrummet, Konstepidemin Göteborg -13.

Solo showings (5) etc. Danscentrum Väst Göteborg -13.

Solo performances (2), 24 Kvadrat Göteborg -13.

Duet performances (2) with Biggi Vinkeloe, 3:e våningen Göteborg -13.

Solo performance & Showing etc. VARIA Labb & VARIA Invites Mr Morrish, Danscentrum Väst, Göteborg -13

Solo performance, Solo-festival, Teater Trixter -14.

Voice performance, Göteborgs Visfestival, Musikens Hus, Göteborg -14.

Duet performance with Francois Lemonnier, Danscentrum Väst, Göteborg -14.

Voice/movement & video work Sight Specifik, Amsterdam, The Netherlands -14.

Solo performances, Improxchange Festival, Berlin, Germany -14.

Solo performance, Kulturnatta, Danscentrum Väst -14.

Duet performance with Maria M.Schröder, PIN (Performance Improvisation Network), Stockholm - 14.

Solo performances (2), Danscentrum Väst, Göteborg -15.

Solo performance, PETUNIEN Improvisations Series, Berlin Germany - 15.

Ensemble performances (2), Ambassadörsfestival Hoppalappa, Konstepidemin Göteborg - 15.

Solo performance, in a collaboration with Textival & part of GIBCA Extended, site specific, Göteborg - 15.

Solo performance, VARIA2015  Improvisation Festival, Atalante Göteborg - 15.

Solo performance, Smedjan Göteborg - 15.

Solo performances (2), Galleri PS Göteborg -15.

Ensemble performances (2), with among else Andrew Morrish, Rosalind Crisp, Susanne Martin, FreiStil Berlin, Germany -15.

Solo performances (2), Galleri PS, Göteborg -16.

Solo performances (3), Svenska Sjömanskyrkan Göteborg -16.

Solo performances (2), Tvärsnitt#1, 3:e Våningen Göteborg - 16.

Solo performance, Konstepidemin, Göteborg -16.

Solo performance, Tillt Göteborg -16.

Solo performances (2), Galleri BH5 Stenungsund - 16.

Trio performance with Peter Trotman & Andrew Morrish, Atalante Göteborg -16.

Solo performances (4), Tillt Göteborg -17.

Solo performance, voice, Galleri 54 Göteborg -17.

Solo performances (2), Studio Myriam Doodge, Paris France -17.

Duet performances (2) with Henrik Wartel, Konstepidemin, Göteborg -17.

Solo performances, voice, (2), 13 Festivalen, Konstepidemin Göteborg -18.

Solo performances (3), Tillt, Göteborg -18.

Voice performance, Kulturhuset Stenungsund -18.

Solo performances (2), VARIA18 SHORT CUT, Teater Uno Göteborg -18.

Solo performances (2), Solo 2018, Allégården Göteborg - 18.

Solo performance (2), Solo 2018, Hus 8, Konstepidemin Göteborg - 18.

Solo performances (2) Solo 2018, Hus 10, Konstepidemin Göteborg - 18.

Solo performances (2), Solo2019, Galleri PS Göteborg -19.

Solo performances (3), voice, Not Quite Fengersfors -19.

Solo performance, Wu ArtSpace Sjönevad -19.

Solo performance and duet & trio performance VARIA2019, Esperantoscenen Göteborg -19.

Solo Performance, Askim Göteborg -19.

Voice performance, with Skronk GBG, Patinaverket Göteborg -20.

Solo performance, Danscentrum Väst Göteborg -20.

Solo performances (3), Cinnober Teater Göteborg -20.

Solo performances (2), Höjdpunkten Göteborg -20.

Solo performance (1), Vulcano Göteborg -21.

Solo performances (2), Oceanen Göteborg -21.

Solo performances (2), Tiny Festival, Teater Trixter Göteborg -21.

Solo performances (2), 10-21 WING IT (including Benedikte Esperi), Änggården Göteborg -21.

Solo performance, 10-21 WING IT, Finnekumla Kyrka Ulricehamn -21.

Solo performance, 10-21 WING IT, Vegby Ulricehamn -21.

Solo performances (2), 10-21 WING IT, Galleri PS Göteborg -21.

Solo performances (2), 10-21 WING IT, Centralen Tranemo -21.

Solo performances (9), Two Now (including Aloun Marchal), Kronhuset Göteborg -21.

Duet performances (2), Humanography, with Aloun Marchal, Kronhuset Göteborg -21.

Duet performance, 10-21 WING IT, with Henrik Wartel, Stationen Svenshögen -21.

Solo performances (2), 10-21 WING IT, Galleri 3 Vänersborg -21.

Duet performances (3), 10-21 WING IT, with Henrik Wartel, Vulkano Göteborg -21.

Solo performance, Danscentrum Väst Göteborg -22.

Ensemble performance Dansens dag/Humanography, outdoor Göteborg -22.

Duet performance with Peter Janson, Fylkingen Stockholm -22.

Solo performance, outdoor Göteborg -22.

Solo performance, Twisted Shout #2, International Text-Sound Festival, Fylkingen Stockholm -22.

Solo performance, Twisted Shout, Galleri 2 Uppsala -22.

Duet performance with Peter Janson, Världens Tak Göteborg -22.

Duet performances (2) with Peter Janson, Galleri PS Göteborg -22.

Duet performance with Peter Janson, Bunkern Göteborg -22.

Duet performance with Peter Janson, Konstkollektivet Mölndal -22.

Solo performmances (3), voice, 13 Festivalen Konstepidemin Göteborg -23.

Solo performance, voice, Nemeshallen Mölnlycke Kulturhus -23.

Duet performance with Richard Widerberg, Bubblan Göteborg -23.

Solo performance, Danscentrum Väst Göteborg -23.

Duet performance with Richard Widerberg, Vitlycke centre for Performing Arts Tanum -23.

Solo performance, Cinnober Teater, via Atalante, Göteborg -23.

Duet performance with Richard Widerberg, Cinnober Teater, via Atalante, Göteborg -23.

Solo performances (10 short), Dance Remainings/International Day of Dance, Götaplatsen Göteborg -23.

Solo performance, voice, Drömmarnas Monument/Bubblan, Götaplatsen Göteborg -23.

Duet performance with Henrik Wartel, Expro Stage, Oceanen Göteborg -23.

Duet performance in VIDARE with Henrik Wartel, Högsbo Kyrka Göteborg -24.

Solo performance in "Brief Moment of Solidarity in a World that's Gone Mad" -24.

Solo performance in Älska Ödet, Atalante Göteborg -24.

Ensemble performance in Älska Ödet, Atalante Göteborg -24.

Solo performance, Vrångsholmen Tanumshede -24.

Duet performances (2) in VIDARE with Henrik Wartel, Mölnlycke Kulturhus, Nemeshallen, Mölnlycke - 24.

Duet performance in VIDARE with Henrik Wartel, Finnekumla Dans & Konstscen, Vegby Ulricehamn - 24.

Duet performance in VIDARE with Isak Eldh, Gathenhielmska Huset, Göteborg - 24.

Duet performance in VIDARE with Henrik Wartel, Tranemo Konstnärsgrupp, Tranemo - 24.

Duet performance in VIDARE with Henrik Wartel, Gathenhielmska Huset, Göteborg - 24.

Other related work

Curating VIDARE 2024, 2025 & curating VARIA2025.

Residency-stay, Vrångsholmen 2024.

Residential duo practice at Danscentrum Väst, Bunkern, Konstkollektivet etc. Göteborg/Mölndal 2024.

Residential duo practice at Danscentrum Väst Göteborg, with support from Göteborgs Stad Kultur, fall 2023.

Residential practice at Cinnober Teater via Atalante residence period, Göteborg spring 2023.

Residential practice at Vitlycke centre for Performing Arts, Tanum, with support from Kulturrådet, spring 2023.

Artistic conversation, Nemeshallen Mölnlycke Kulturhus, spring 2023.

Residential practice (online) with Catherine Magill (AU) 2020-2023.

Residential practice at Danscentrum Väst Göteborg, august 2022.

VARIA2004-2021 curation and book production, publication April 2021.

Intervju Atalante (in Swedish) 2021.

Curating and arranging VARIA2004-21 at diverse stages, museums etc. in Göteborg and Västra Götalandsregionen.

Arranging Solo & group performances 2015-2021, in diverse spaces in Göteborg and Västra Götalandsregionen.

Residential practice with other artist at Kronhuset, Gothenburg, spring 2021.

Residential practice with few other artists at Panjal studio, Gothenburg, January 2021.

Residential practice and solo performance series with few other artists at Cinnober Teater, Gothenburg, July 2020.

Residential practice and duet performance with Hui-Chun Lin in Gothenburg, August 2018 (arranged by Danscentrum Väst).

Residential practice with Hui-Chun Lin in Berlin Germany, June 2018.

Residential practice and solo performance series with Martha Rodezno in Paris, France, September 2017.

Networking and meetings in relation, NOW Festival in Berlin Germany, May 2017.

Creating network site "find performance improvisation" for festivals and series presenting Performance Improvisation, 2017.

Coaching/tutoring performance artists in relation to performance showings, Järnsta Kultur, Nordingrå 2017. 

Producing printed materials, layouts and logos in relation to own projects and for other artists, projects 1995-22.

Producing this website and other websites for other artists, projects etc. 2008-22.

Consulting operation-manager, Danscentrum Väst in relation to artists, pedagogues within movement improvisation 2016-19.

Seminar and conversation VARIA2015, "Practice in Performance Improvisation", 3:e Våningen, Göteborg -15.

Seminar VARIA2015, "Performance Improvisation & Solo", Contemporary Performative Arts", High School for stage, music, Göteborg -15.

Seminar, "Improvisation in education", PIN (Performance Improvisation Network), Stockholm - 14.

Workshop and artistic presentation, KV (Kursverksamhetens Konstskola), Göteborg -09.

Film and conversation VARIA2009, Performance Improvisation, Konstepidemin, Göteborg -09.

Workshop and conversation, Performance Improvisation, HDK (Högskolan för Designe och Konsthantverk), Göteborg -08.

Tutoring master-student,  HDK (Högskolan för Designe och Konsthantverk), Göteborg -07.

Curating exhibition "Vårsalong", Strömstads Konsthall Lokstallet, Strömstad, -05.


Statens Konstråd

Västra Götalandsregionen

Göteborgs Stad

Stenungsunds Kommun

Gislaveds Kommun

Katrineholms Kommun

Represented/public work

Animalis Fabula (short term), Planksidan Trafikverket, Göteborg, Sverige

Labyrintens Öga, Göteborgs Stad Slottskogen, Sverige

Kemijärvi Konsthall, Finland

Luleå Konsthall, Sverige

HSB Kungälv, Sverige

Högsbo Bibliotek, Sverige

Göteborgs Universitet, Sverige

Örebro Open Art (short term), Sverige

Torvalla Konststig Österstund, Sverige


Dagens Nyheter




Göteborgs Poesifestival



Fria Tidningen



DANS Tidningen

Zenit Kulturtidskrift

Majornas Mörker (vinyl)

Dansfilmsfestivalen 2021

VARIA Improvisationsfestival 2004-2021

Open Art 2022

Konstnären Lillemor Petersson 2024

Scholarships & project grants


Statens Kulturråd

Nordisk Kulturfond

Kultur Kontakt Nord

Västra Götalandsregionen

Göteborgs Stad kultur

Framtidens Kultur

Helge Ax.son Johnsons Stiftelse

Theodor och Hanne Mannheimers Fond

Göteborg & CO

Kultur i Väst

AB Volvo


KRO (Konstnärernas Riks Organisation)

Galleri 54 (Göteborg)

DCV (Danscentrum Väst)

STIM (Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå)


Petersson teaches classes and intensive workshops in various Performance Improvisation techniques.

Her skills include a great range of tools within movement/dance and voice/language alongside the apprehension of the room.

She is teaching professionals and/or amateur students from different generations within the fields of dance, theatre, performance art and visual art.

Petersson visited several educations, festivals and centres for diverse art with her workshops and classes as well as arranges her own well attended courses few times per year.

Further she is giving artists and students of diverse disciplines individual coaching sessions.

She has taught for some 25 years and has shared work with, and are inspired by artists, pedagogues such as Andrew Morrish, Kirstie Simson, Michael Schumacher, Ola Åstrand, Peter Trotman.

At for example;

Vrångsholmen, Bohuslän.

Atalante, Göteborg.

Danscentrum Väst, Göteborg.

Slottskogen (out-door), Folkuniversitetet, Göteborg.

Danzlagret, Göteborg.

Konstepidemin Hus 8, Göteborg.

Danzlagret, Göteborg.

Kulturhuset Stenungsund.

Järnsta Kultur, Nordingrå.

Spinn Studio, Göteborg.

Museum Murberget, Härnösand.

Konstepidemin, Göteborg.

Danscentrum Väst and Studio Oscar, Göteborg.

Dansverkstaedi, Reykjavik Island.

Vänersborgs Musikskola.

Nordingrå Kulturfestival, Järnsta.

Strömsstads Musikskola.

Angereds Yrkesdans program, Göteborg.

HDK (Högskolan för design och Konsthantverk), Göteborg.

Kursverksamhetens Konstskola, Göteborg.

Gotlands Dance-education.

& Online etc.